Thursday, July 07, 2011

니가 제일 좋아

Happiness is what I feel now
I'm gonna kiss you now
I just wanna kiss you now

YES I went to the B2ST fanmeeting in Sunway Lagoon last Friday, and I definitely did not regret my decision on going!

the entrance at around 1730 hours, my dad said when he saw people at lining up as early as 1500++ hours! :O

Of course, I learnt my lesson from the last event I went and went to see Kristen, Feli and their junior, Vanessa instead! Walked around with them before the girls walked me to line. So sweetla you girls. Heehee.

Managed to go in around 2000 hrs, walked relaxingly from the entrance til the Surf Beach, and was overwhelmed by the view. I didn't know why I felt happy yet nervous at the same time.

Decided to stand further behind from the crowd without compromising my view of the stage when my sisters, my cousin and her friend joined me since they figured the view was not bad and at least we didn't have to worry about being squashed by over-enthusiatic fans haha

"Dear Beast, you are our FACT, we are your FICTION" argh so corny!!! *curls in* (oh the OSIM hand thingie was from the Proton Malaysia Open, my sister conteng-ed all over it because she forgot to prepare banners/signs/whatever thing to flap around that night)

The event started on time at 2030 hrs, the boys came out elevated from below the stage and performed Special, a song which really got the crowd going. Couldn't help jumping when they went, "Bounce with me, oh oh oh! Bounce with me, oh oh oh!"

Then they performed Soom (Breathe), getting the crowd to sing along to "breathe in, breathe out, hooo haaa hooo haaa" LOL before Owen Yap came out to emcee.

The boys introduced themselves in Malay, and I think Yoseob's pronunciation was the best! :D He went, "Apa khabar, nama saya Yoseob, Yoseob imida" LOL so cute. He was definitely the most hyper that night, besides Dongwoon, who at times laughed in a very weeeeiiiirrrd way he should get a smack.

They celebrated Doojoon's birthday! This is the second time Doojoon's birthday was celebrated here, the first was at the autograph session in One Utama last year

After a bit of talking, Owen Yap invited a bunch a boys who won a dance competition somewhere to dance Shock with the boys as audience and the boys performed Shock, Beautiful and Rainy Days.

Six girls were lucky-drew and got to play bowling with the boys!

I iz jealous

The funniest thing was, when Yoseob got his partner he hugged her (causing all girls to scream) but when he read what was on the girl's sign he started shouting, "Joker?! Joker??!! JOKER???!!!" (Joker is Junhyung's nickname btw and apparently the girl is a Junhyung fan). I thought he was saying "Cukup! Cukup! Cukup!" my hearing is very the fail LOL. But they continued being partners and he was really good towards her even Owen Yap went, "these two like couplelah" haha okay I memang sudah jealous.

They performed Fiction, and went off stage before getting back for an encore with Oasis. I thought that was the end until the first few guitar strums for 니가 제일 좋아 (I Like You the Best, but not the album version) and I froze, held my cousin's hand and screamed like one mad girl because I was wishing for them to perform this song.


Oh wait I can't I still have loads of goals to achieve, I'll only die after completing them.

Anyways I danced hard and sang along, and when they sang the very infectious V.I.U., I knew I had a really great night. When the boys left the stage the same way they appeared, I couldn't help myself from giving them a standing ovation. I could, but I was already standinglah, so...

Honestly, I enjoyed this better than the one in KL Live last year. It was well organised, I'm pretty sure nobody fainted haha. Or maybe some did.

Thank you B2ST, for making my July 1st in the year 2011 a very memorable one.

And thanks to Feli, Kristen and Vanessa for coming down to KL. I really have to go over to your sides one day! Promise!

*Unwatermarked photos were taken by Jesica's friend.


  1. haha. or maybe when she sees me she'll claw my skin out!

  2. Hahaha!!! Vanessa will kill you!! I want to witness the joker?! Joker?! Part laaaa... Like so funny!

  3. Kristen, Vanessa that violent one ah? heehee


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