Monday, March 09, 2009

Wish to be young again.

Suddenly I feel like I don't have enough time to do things.

I feel that the time is moving faster than speed of me completing my tasks.

I wish I had not procrastinate that much.

I am wayyyyyyy behind my schedules.

I'm not going through PMS but my moods are shows all the symptoms of PMS.

Suddenly happy, suddenly gloomy, suddenly pissed off, always annoyed by little things, sometimes sad.

I have two presentations to prepare due Wednesday, and have yet completed either one.

I'm supposed to hand in my first draft tomorrow, but then I realised that it's impossible, so I'll just show my supervisor my results.

Better than nothing.

Suddenly so fucking stressed up and it's beyond my control.

Just suddenly.

I want to be young again.


Oh and I want to go shopping still, go shopping without any feeling of guilt whatsoever.

And I just found out that my dad just got a pair of chipmunks for home.

photo taken from sis

=O and =D

From hamsters (now no more) to fishes (left one, unless it didn't survive the trip back home from Kelantan) to chipmunks! I hope that he'll bring back puppies or kittens one day!


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