Friday, April 04, 2008

Like a busy bee

I am sooooooo busy this weekend.

Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't get me involved in any yam cha sessions or shopping, instead, i have to finish up a project (luckily dengan kawan-kawan) and its report due on Sunday, another report for another project due on Tuesday, must fix my proposal and pass up on Monday and study for 2 freaking tests tought by 2 weird, oh-so-boring-and-why-are-they-qualified-to-teach? lecturers.

our refuse-to-work lie detector

And i miss the feline who came to our house last week but then decided that crackers aren't the best food for him so he decided to occupy another house who serves him Friskies/Whiskers.

So choosy sial.

Oh, and i finished the second season of Gokusen already!

I like the students in the first season betterla, but Keiko Teppei is too darn cute in the second season.

Summore got wear hair pins like a girl.

The short, petite one is undoubtedly Mr Teppei


1 comment:

  1. U fed a cat crackers...

    U know... somehow I think the reason that the cat isn't coming back is NOT because he found somewhere else where he can get friskies/whiskers


    he went to a better place



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