Monday, November 02, 2009

I. I. I.

I don't even know what I'm reading.

I long for another BIG bite of Carl's Jr. Portobello Mushroom Burger.

Or a serving of banana leaf rice. With extra Papadams.

I'm watching Family Outing with T.O.P. in it. My 3rd time. (aigo so cutela!)

Photo from iBigBang's TOP Gallery

[UPDATED] I just have to put this. Skip till around 3:00 for BIGBANG's TOP's and Daesung's first impressions showdown. Damn hilarious I had to repeat over and over and over *cue 2PM's Again & Again* again and again and again and again..

Family Outing episode 34, Guest: BIGBANG's TOP


I should go to sleep because I'm going out at 0600 hrs tomorrow.



  1. WAHAHAHA!!! I just love this episode!! cause T.O.P is in it. :P So so so so so so so so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!

  2. Feli: Yalor.. but thanks for the wish! =D

    Kristen: Yes! He's so ccuuutttee! And this outing with him is just so hilarious! The night of rap especially! Laughed until had tears in my eyes!

    "My name is Lee Hyori, say it backwards it's still Lee Hyori"



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