Monday, March 19, 2007

In pain

Before i begin, i would like to give prayers to Nicholas Ng, a guy back in my secondary school, who is my brother's friend, for his passing just recently.. the guy who worried that i might get lost during a school's entrepreneurship day and kept asking me to walk in front of him.. May his soul rest in peace. And may God take care of him.

Physically, i have bruises on my right upper arm, knee and leg. And my body aches from the waist up. Especially my arms. These are the effects of Taekwondo. And when you got bashed by a state player after not sparring for almost 5 years... i can never forget how she chop-kicked my face and kick my neck (back part, the spine).. oh the HORROR..

I wonder why am i still taking up this sport?

Mentally, i havent been coping well with my studies.. because of Taekwondo (not the training part) and i miss home like nobody's business... and i am hoping for HIM too much..

I hope that my course night will bring me some happiness. Heehee.

But i think HE's hopeless.

Anyways.. i'm missing my oranges. My February & March issues of B-Pass had arrived... so i hope that my bro remembers to get for me..

I'm all freaked out.

1 comment:

  1. >,<; sounds that your pain is really really bad. Ne.. don't force yourself too much. You're making me worried now. Take care of urself,kay?


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